Hej Birgitta,
As i already told you, Tosh was great for the hole weekend to be such a young dog.
He has taken some big steps forward!
Labrador Derby has about 15 years of history in Finland. Everyone want to do well in Derby. It is for the labradors under 2 years and the best ones are there if it is possible. Dog can compete one time in Derby in his life. this year 37 labradors started in saturday morning.
Saturday there was 4 exercises. Tosh lead with two other dogs on 72 or 73(?? Ihope i remember right) points after saturday. Fourth was 5 points after us. (Those things we did not know until the final was over, only unofficially :-)) )
1. Exercise (Esa Valkonen)
Two single marks to the water. Guite an easy ones dogs had to run about 10 meters on land and marks were 20 m in the water. No problems, i made sure he wont do anything stupid so i called him on land. 18 points
2. (Harri Sivén)
Two single marks on land. First in front of the hill and the other on top at the same line as the first one. Many dogs had some difficulties with the first one because it was throun almost towards the the dog. Tosh went also too far at first but he came back immiadiatelly... Second was easy 17 (?) points.
3. (Mats Närling)
Heeling about 20 m. Then stop and single mark on the field behind a ditch. When dog came back another was trown at the same place and to send dog there as a blind one. This was our best one even though there where some drama. Tosh run to the first mark, fell down when he was jumping over the ditch but he was totally concentrated to get the dummy, he just get up go on and took the dummy and back to me. Blind was easy. 20 points!
4. (Sören Norén)
A litlle search area, maybe 15X15 m. There where some time after the job is over. Dog get to work that time. I don't know how many dummies there where but Tosh bring 4 to me and worked pretty well on the area. He is a hunter! :) 17 points.
I knew saturday went well but i didn't know how many points i get and how the others did. It was a little suprice that only 6 dogs get to final in sunday and 4 are born in 2005 and one january 2006. So Tosh was clearly youngest one in the final being born in april 2006 .Sunday, 6 labradors
1. Sören and Mats
Single mark on the field behind a bush. Not to take it, turn 180 degrees and another mark on the field. Take it and after that the other one. Perfect, BUT he drops some points when he came back. Maybe he thought that the judge was me bacause he went straight to him??? I had to whisl and then he came. 15 points.
2. Sören and Mats
Single mark on a litlle hill on high grass. Again perfect, BUT he had a bad grip and he dropped the dummy on the half way back to me. OK 18 points.
Final results where
1. Eagle Owl's Galateia110 p
2. Polarfisher Brando 108 p "Guns Choise"
3. Streamlights Danas Valhalla (Miso Sipola) 106 p
4. Meadowlark Tosh 105 p, "Best marker" (Judges decide this)
I was really satisfied to him! Anyway if he would do some tricks today we could have had a really good chance to win because otherwise he worked well.... However he is still young and i think the level was high so im VERY PLEASED! I let you know when i get the final results. Those points can be a little wrong also because i didn't wrote them.
Now i go to sleep, it has been an nice but hard weekend... ;-)
Janne & Tosh
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